
Thursday 17 October 2013

OUGD403 - Brief 3 - Alphabet Soup: Typeface


Design a typeface for a full alphabet and 6 extra glyphs of your choice including but not limited to punctuation marks (a to z, !, ?, @, £, :, .) The typeface must represent the personality/character of your partner. You will discover their personality/character through a series of set questions. You must select an appropriate typeface from Adobe Font Folio as the starting point for your manipulations. 

Using your newfound appreciation of the anatomy of typographic forms and the wealth of research that you have already gathered, focus on the manipulation of your existing letterform in order to solve this problem.
Background / Considerations

Experiment with a range of possible line qualities, marks, colour and paper types. How will colour help the communication? What stock (paper) can you work with? Do you need to draw, photocopy, photograph, collage, trace or combine processes? 

Your final resolutions should read as convincing, legible, well crafted and clearly presented typographic forms.

Eva Clapham

When are you happiest? 

Road trips/Camping with friends 

What is your greatest fear?

Family member dying

What is your favourite place?

Festivals/General Atmosphere 

What is your earliest memory?

Picking up bumblebees and trying to kiss them

Most embarrassing moment?

Being sick in bath after drinking

What makes you unhappy? 

Falling out with people

Who would play you in a film of your life?

Jennifer Lawrence

What is your favourite smell? 

Sunday dinner

What is your favourite word?


Fancy dress costume?


What is your guiltiest pleasure?


How do you relax?

Drinking tea/Reading a good book

What is your dream job?

Festival organiser/Band member


60s/70s, Oasis, Rolling Stones


Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, LOTR, 300, Troy, King Arthur, Fantasy, Medieval

Favourite Colour?


What kind of typography/lettering do you like?

Serif, Calligraphic

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Working in a design house or for a festival 

Favourite font?


My Impressions when I first met her:


These questions have given me quite a good idea of what typefaces to start thinking about as Eva seemed to be interested in Traditional, Medieval and Victorian themes which I gathered from the films she likes and rural calm places like camping trips and festivals. 

I have researched some work using these key words.

Festivals seemed to be quite prominent in her answers so I decided to look at some existing posters and focus on the lettering. Eva's favourite types of typography are serif and calligraphic which relates to the areas of design she is interested in (Victorian, Traditional, Medieval).

Medieval calligraphy relates to a lot of the themes in the answers Eva gave me such as the fantasy films and books she is interested in. I found this project on the website typography served where medieval calligraphy has been used to write months of the year.

The text has been hand rendered using a marker pen and sections of the letters have been drawn in separately. While I like how the letters look and how they relate to some of Eva's answers I think that it I too aggressive and for me, brings up connotations of violence and due to the time period the typography would have been found.    

A starting point for this project was to experiment in hand drawing letters. Here are a few examples.

I want the letters to connect to one another to match Eva's handwriting as it already fits the type of design I'm heading for and it is another link to her personality. Here are some fonts that I think fit her personality as they are all serifs and have traditional characteristics. I can take elements from the type I have looked at previously and create a combination of multiple typefaces.

My starting point for this project is to select a font from Adobe Fontfolio which represent Eva and incorporate other elements of the things she is interested in from the information I have gathered while speaking to her. 

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