
Sunday 17 May 2015

Context of Practise 3 Lecture

"Theory provides the basis with which to ask questions not only about work, but also through work. An if nothing else, what design lacks in terms of interesting is not necessarily more visual variety, but rather more provocative questions."

An academic module, designed to access your intellectual engagement and theoretical understanding of your creative practice.

An individually driven, synthesised research project with interrelated practical and written elements.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
6A1: Demonstrate an independent critical understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, technological, social, political or other contexts relevant to individual subject disciplines.

Cognitive skills
6B1: Evidence the ability to use loci, reasoning and critical judgement to analyse ideas form a range of primary and secondary sources, and employ critical and theoretical methodologies to evaluate examples from the relevant subject discipline.

C1: Evidence the capacity for undertaking a wide range of independent practical research

6D1: Organise plan and effectively manage self-directed projects and communicate outcomes through written and other appropriate forms.

6A4: Demonstrate a criticial understanding of the synthesis between the theoretical ad practical contexts of their own creative concerns

All component parts of the project engaging on one complex, dynamic process
Informed engagement
The realisation of theory in, and through, practice
CoP3 is a synthesised research project from the very beginning.

What research meeds to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of your project?
What factors sit behind your chosen subject>? social/political
How have historical, cultural, social, technological, economic, political and other factors influenced it?
Who are the key figures within my chosen subject?
Are there any dominant or prevailing attitudes that inform my subject?

What approaches will you take and what processes, methods, materials and tools are to be involved in research into your project?

Method - a way of proceeding about something in a systematic or logical manner

Methodology - the science of method, employed in a particular activity
Alogical and predefined and systematic strategy by which to undertake a research project,
including methods of evaluation, schedules and stated intentions.

Examples of methodology:
discourse analysis
queer theory
gender studies
reflective practice

data collection

Epistemology - philosophy about certain types of knowledge

What approaches will you take and what processes, methods, materials and tools are to be involved in research into your project?
Research conducted through practice
'Thinking through doing'
Reflective practice
What effect do chaining the materials that your use have an effect on the end result?
What factors could disrupt your creative practice?
What is the relationship of techniques that your use to other techniques in the sector?

What preparation or investigations do you need to undertake for your research project to take place?
How will you go about investigating my chosen subject?
Do you have to research into methods of research?
Do you need to research into materials?
How do you improve your research skills?
Research into academic writing?

What research do you need to undertake regarding who your project is for?
Who is your research project for?
Make the project as real world as possible, involve specific audience, specifically make it for a particular area/space?
Focus on an agency? (advertising)
Organise exhibitions
What professional contexts could your research be aimed at?
What specific organisations could use your research and how?
How would your tone of voice change id you targeted your research at a different stage?

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