
Tuesday 10 December 2013

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Research

Little White Lies (Lawless Cover)
I found this cover for the film Lawless the magazine did a feature on. The design relates to my idea of covering a portrait image of someone with the info about the frame and encouraging them to make it more personal. The way the text covers the eyes makes this image quite striking and the use of only black and white creates 

Tim Boelaars

Tim Boleaars 
I looked at creating icons and repeating them as an initial idea and found designer Tim Boleaars who works in a similar way. I like the simplicity of the images, they work well because it is clear what they are representing and are not overcomplicated. 


Dan Hoopert
These letters have been rendered digitally but you still get a sense of the metallic wire texture that has been created. I originally wanted my designs to be made from wire to create physical 3D letters and hang them inside a box to photograph.        

Lex Wilson
These drawings demonstrate a good use of angles and perspective to create 3D from 2D drawings. This is a kind of effect I would like to capture in my own work using the frame in the same way to create a 3D space.

Dmitri Aske
I found this artist in the Typographers Sketchbook. Dimitri Aske uses perspective lines to extrude the letters, turning them into 3D objects. This has inspired me to use a similar kind of effect and has informed some of my decisions as to how I want my numbers to look. 

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