
Thursday 17 April 2014

Publication Research


A publication is the act of publishing content to the general public (typically a book or magazine).

For my essay I researched how adverts can change the way we think or feel about a product or brand as a whole. My aim for this project is to produce a publication which highlights the techniques companies use to enforce a ‘Lifestyle’ for their brand based on research gathered from my essay. I would like it to be satirical because some of the adverts I have looked at when writing my essay were hard to take seriously due to the generic clean cut attractive actors, obvious taglines or the words of other consumers who’ve achieved “incredible results.” These are a few common techniques used by advertising agencies which can be found in thousands of adverts.

The content will consist of a variety of quotes, images and text taken from key points in my essay. 

Existing publications

I'm aiming to create an A4 newsprint zine to hold my content. This way I can easily print on to A3 to create a booklet and it is a nice size to hold and will keep costs down.   

These publications are good examples of how you can use a lot of body text yet make it visually interesting.

Lifestyle Brands

A lifestyle brand is an attempt to make a corporate brand part of the identity of a person or group. People already identify very strongly with their employment, ethnicity, religion, and socio-economic status. Lifestyle brands often attempt to create similar cultural connections. Their goal is to become another way that people use to relate to one another. Lifestyle brands are an attempt to sell an identity, or an image, rather than a product. Advertisers for lifestyle brands make an effort to call attention to who would use this product or what ideals it represents, as opposed to what the product actually does.